Joe & Leigh’s Discount Golf Pro Shop

Shop Hours

8am-6pm, 7 days a week



Did you know that one of the two biggest green grass Pro Shops in the country has been hiding right here in your own backyard? Joe & Leigh's Discount Golf Pro Shop at The Pine Oaks Golf Course got its start in 1981. At that time, it wasn't much bigger than most average living rooms and we weren't exactly high tech. In fact, we used to have to keep a 4 iron next to the 1970's era cash register to bang it open when the drawer got finicky.

A lot has changed over the past 40 plus years.


 Today, our multiple national award winning pro shop consists of 8,000 square feet of showroom space featuring complete product lines from all of the top manufacturers in the game, a dedicated ladies department with a full selection of clubs and apparel and plenty of room to breathe. Of course we’re also stocked with all of the essentials and accessories you could ever need, all at significant savings: Balls, Bags, GPS/Tech, and a giant shoe section. We even have our own indoor putting green.

One third of our space is dedicated to Joe & Leigh’s Discount Golf Swap Shop which has become a destination for outstanding values in top brand used golf equipment. We’ve been enthusiastically accepting trade-ins since day one, so be sure to bring your used clubs to trade.

Maybe the best part is that our sales approach isn’t a sales approach at all. Our philosophy is to “Make a Friend, not a Sale™”. Our dedicated staff is here to help you get into clubs that fit your game and your wallet.

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Pine Oaks
68 Prospect Street
PO Box 309
South Easton, MA 02375
508.238.2320 | Get Directions
Golf Shop
68 Prospect Street
PO Box 309
South Easton, MA 02375
508.238.2320 | Get Directions
Performance Center
68 Prospect Street
PO Box 309
South Easton, MA 02375
508.238.2320 | Get Directions